Syafana Islamic School Wisuda 95 Hafiz Al-qur’an

Satu tahun lebih Syafana Islamic School melakukan program menghafal Al-qur’an.


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TANGERANG — Syafana Islamic School wisuda 95 muridnya yang menjadi hafizh Al-qur’an dan ini diadakan di aula Syafana Islamic School, Gading Serpong, Kelapa Dua, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten, Sabtu (13/4) lalu. Mereka di antaranya adalah 56 orang hafizh Alquran 5 juz dan 39 orang hafizh Alquran 10 juz, dan semuanya adalah pelajar sekolah tersebut.

Wahatul Furqan Kairo, Mesir, Syech Sayyid Yaqoob, mengapresiasi pengajaran dalam manajemen Syafana Islamic School, yang telah membimbing anak-anak tersebut menghafal Al-qur’an. Dia juga mengucapkan rasa terima kasihnya atas terobosan baru ini, dimana sekolah juga bisa melahirkan para hafizh Al-qur’an, karena Alquran merupakan pedoman hidup umat Islam.

“Terima kasih kepada orang-orang yang menjadikan Al-qur’an sebagai ayat pertama dalam kehidupannya,”ucap Syech Sayyid Yaqoob dalam keterangan tertulis yang diterima, Ahad (14/4).

Managing Director Syafana Islamic School ustadz Nanang Firdaus Masduki  mengungkapkan, sangat bangga memiliki anak-anak didik yang dapat menghafal Al-qur’an 5 hingga 10 juz. Menurut dia, tidak semua anak-anak di Indonesia bisa mendapat kesempatan yang sama seperti di Syafana Islamic School.

“Ini adalah program pertama di Indonesia. Anak-anak penghafal Al-qur’an akan memberi syafaat kepada orang tuanya di hari kiamat. Al-qur’an itu obat buat orang tua. Para penghafal Al-qur’an akan diberikan penghargaan dari Nabi Muhammad kelak,” ungkap Nanang.

Lebih lanjut dia menjelaskan, bagi anak-anak yang menghafal Al-qur’an nanti di yaumil akhir, Allah akan memberi mahkota penghargaan. Mahkota itu diberikan oleh Allah. Kepada anak-anak itu, Allah janjikan akan menjadikan anak-anak itu pembawa risalah di dunia.

Satu tahun lebih Syafana Islamic School melakukan program menghafal Al-qur’an ini, dan dalam menghafal Al-qur’an ini, sekolah tersebut mempunyai tantangan besar. “Pukul 03.00 WIB dini hari mereka harus bangun kemudian menuju sekolah. Ba’da sholat subuh langsung mereka mengikuti program Hafizh Al-qur’an. Menghafal Al-qur’an ini ilmu khusus. Penguasaan Al-qur’an sebagai dasar untuk menguasai ilmu pengetahuan lainnya,” ujar Nanang.

Selama ini, belajar menghafal Al-qur’an harus pergi ke pesantren Al-qur’an, dan Nanang ingin mengubah ini. Syafana Islamic School melakukan lompatan agar murid tetap di sekolahnya, tapi bisa menjadi penghafal Al-qur’an. “Di sini penghafal Al-qur’an dibarengi dengan mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan lainnya,” tutup dia.

Syafana Islamic School Sukses Gelar Syafest 2019

Syafana Islamic School kembali menggelar Syafana Festival (SYAFEST) 2019. Acara rutin dua tahunan ini sukses digelar dari Sabtu 16/2/2019 hingga Sabtu 23/2/2019 di lima kampus Syafana Islamic School. Gelaran ini juga diikuti oleh seluruh unit sekolah di Syafana Islamic School dari KB-TK, SD, SMP, dan SMA.

Gelaran SYAFEST 2019 kali ini mengusung tema ‘Euphor14’ sekaligus memperingati Milad ke-14 Syafana Islamic School. Seluruh unit mulai dari KB-TK hingga SMA mengikuti kegiatan ini. Menariknya pada kegiatan ini OSIS SMP dan SMA berkecimpung dikepanitiaan, sehingga banyak pelajaran dan pengalaman yang didapat.

Alejandra Marsha Ludwina, Ketua OSIS SMA Syafana Islamic School sekaligus Ketua Panitia SYAFEST 2019 mengatakan bahwa melalui acara ini para panitia dari siswa mendapatkan banyak pelajaran san pengalaman berharga.

“Dari acara ini kita mendapatkan banyak pengalaman dari mulai berhubungan dengan orang lain dan juga kerjasama team. Mungkin juga yang dulu sama adik kelas belum kenal, melalui acara ini jadi bisa akrab,” paparnya di Syafana Islamic School BSD, Sabtu (23/2/2019).

Sementara Nayla Khansa Syifana, Ketua OSIS SMP Syafana Islamic School dan juga Ketua Panitia SYAFEST 2019 menjelaskan bahwa dalam mennsukseskan acara ini tentu ada beberapa kendala. Akan tetapi kendala itu harus dihadapi dan diberikan solusi.

“Dalam perjalanannya mempersiapkan acara ini ada yang tidak sesuai dengan keinginan kita, intinya harus sabar dan ikhlas karena mungkin nanti di dunia kerja akan seperti ini. Jadi ketika nanti berhadapan dengan situasi yang sama, maka aku tau langkah apa yang mau diambil,” ungkapnya.

SYAFEST 2019 diikuti sebanyak 150 sekolah dari berbagai sekolah di Jabodetabek mulai tingkat TK hingga SMA. Total peserta yang ikut andil dalam acara ini sekitar 2400 siswa dengam 17 cabang perlombaa baik untuk internal maupun eksternal.

Adapun beberapa perlombaan diantaranya Futsal, Basket, Bermain Angklung, Coloring, Drawing, Musabaqah Hifdzil Qur’an (MHQ), Tahfidz, English Spelling Bee, Arabic Spelling Baa, English Story Telling, Traditional Dance, English Debate, Singing, Olimpiade Matematika, Olimpiade IPA, Pidato, dan Puisi.

Selain itu juga ada kegiatan Talk Show dengan Novelis Muda, Rintik Sedu, Co-Founder Menjadi Manusia, Adam Alfarez, dan Special Performance by Raynaldo Wijaya.

“Gelaran SYAFEST ini bertujuan untuk menjalin silaturahmi antar sekolah-sekolah yang menjadi peserta dan juga memperkenalkan kampus terbaru kami di BSD,” pungkas Haris Hadikusuma, Panitia sekaligus Bagian Kesiswaan SD Syafana Islamic School.

Secondary level ON THE MOVE

Introducing Our NEW CAMPUS

A unique architectured, world-class, well-resourced and inspiring campus, which will further motivate our dedicated Secondary (Lower & Upper) students.
Located in a strategic area in Lengkong Kyai, BSD City, with its world class infrastructure and facilities.

We invite YOU to join us on a TOUR of our brand new campus.

We are so EXCITED! Please join us!

See you there


Tahfidz Programme 30 Juz Within 2 Years 1st Batch Review

Alhamdulillah Syafana Islamic School’s Tahfidz Programme 30 juz within 2 years 1ST batch, which has been in full swing since it started on 10th January 2018, . We have 50 (fifty) participants from Primary 2 to Grade 10 levels. They are divided into 6 (six) groups and are taught by muhaffidz/ah who memorise 30 juz also. Our students under the supervision of Syekh Sayyid Amin from WAHATUL Furqan Tahfidz Foundation at Cairo, Egypt. Ust. Anov and Ust Ikhsan of Syafana Islamic School management also observe their progress day-by-day.

Tahfidz class takes place every day from Monday to Saturday.  Everyday our students starts memorising Al Qur’an from 5–8am at Masjid Al Iman Syafana Paradiso and after that they continue their studies in the classroom until 2pm, 3pm or 4pm.

For the last 6 (six) months, they’ve already memorised juz 25-30, Masya Allah…

Here is the list of the 1st Batch:

To prove our commitment, Syafana Islamic School has now opened applications for the 2nd batch that will start on 16th July 2018. Congratulations! Insya Allah this programme will run successfully because of blessings from Allah SWT!

Hopefully this programme will continue every year and Syafana Islamic School will deliver many Hafidz/ah 30 juz of Al-Qur’an. Aamiin Yaa Rabb!

Tahfidz Programme 30 juz within 2 years Interview Parents Feedback

Interesting feedback from a P5F student’s parent about the 2-Year 30 Juz Tahfidz programme.  Amar’s mom is very grateful that her son is on this programme.  She says, “It makes him love the Qur’an.”

Not only has he learnt to memorise the holy Qur’an, but it’s also improved his memory; She’s seen an improvement in his academic performance, which makes her very happy.

Amar is very enthusiastic about the Tahfidz activities everyday.  He’s also more disciplined and organised now.  He knows what time he should sleep and wakes up himself in the morning.   And he knows when to take a break from other activities.





Damar’s mom believes that Syafana Islamic School considers that every student is unique; they have different capabilities in memorising Al-Quran. All students were spread into group based on their skills so students will enjoy the Tahfidz programme. The challenge for parents is about commitment and responsibility. Damar (P5C) also said that he really enjoys participating in this Tahfidz programme , which has made him more focussed and relaxed about his Tahfidz target. He said that the program also made him understand not only about Qur’anic recitation but also the in-depth meaning of it.




Meanwhile, Salsa’s mom confirmed that the Tahfidz program resulted in several positive benefits; it made her more disciplined, responsible, calm

and easy to cope with any academic work. Her mom also supports Salsa’s requirements, such as: vitamins, milk and nutritious food. It will keep Salsa (G-8B) cheerful. Her mom also expressed her gratitude to Ustadz Saddam and Fauzan who encouraged her to register for this programme. Big thanks also to Ustadz Ihsan who also helped a lot. Salsa has finished Juz 30- 25.


Alhamdulillah, how inspiring!

The ICON Campus 4th branch of Syafana Islamic School

Alhamdulillah, after 14 years, Syafana Islamic School opened its 4th campus, called ‘The ICON Campus ’, ready for the 2018-19 academic year.  Located at Horizon Broadway M9-10, near to An-Nahl Masjid and sports club, it’s the ideal environment to have an Islamic School.

This campus caters for: Pre-school, Playgroup, Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 levels.  We’ve accepted 20 students in our Playgroup, 30 students for Kindergarten 1 and 10 students for Kindergarten 2 classes.

The facilities that we have at ‘The ICON Campus’ are:

  • Outdoor and indoor playground
  • Computer lab
  • Dining room
  • Mini hall
  • Prayer room

The learning methodology will continue to be applied consistently across all our campuses.  The Playgroup will use the grouping method and the Kindergarten 1 & 2 will apply the worship, science, preparation and kinesthetic centre approach.

We make du’ah that ‘The ICON’ can help develop Indonesia and the global Ummah’s future leaders, who are intelligent, creative, have good character and strong faith, Amiin (Wn)

English Club Launching Voice Mag #1 Edition

Article by Nayla Syifana G7

On 6th April 2018, Leadership Publication Committee, representing Syafana Islamic School’s Secondary students, launched our very first magazine—called “VOICE”. This magazine is an initiative of EnglishClub@SIS.  It’s original and made ‘by students for students’.

It was not easy for those of us who volunteered – it took 2 weeks to compile all the content of the “VOICE” magazine. Even when we’re done, we still had to edit to make our very first magazine originally published. Being part of the committee made us learn more how to write stories/articles, interview, do Internet research, source graphics, edit, manage our time, make decisions, see things from a reader’s point of view, work in a team. We’re really happy and proud when the magazine was finally published. The proceeds from this magazine will go to charity and our secondary student’s council.

This Voice magazine is a platform for Syafana Secondary students to express themselves through their talents, achievements, ideas, opinions and hobbies. In this magazine we can see what’s happening in all extracurricular activities. Through this magazine we can see that every student has talents in different fields. Not only that, this magazine is very suitable for many ages, especially teenagers. This magazine includes articles that are related to modern lifestyle; yet contain Islamic and educational values, which is a good reference for Muslim teenagers.