Alhamdulillah, after 14 years, Syafana Islamic School opened its 4th campus, called ‘The ICON Campus ’, ready for the 2018-19 academic year. Located at Horizon Broadway M9-10, near to An-Nahl Masjid and sports club, it’s the ideal environment to have an Islamic School.
This campus caters for: Pre-school, Playgroup, Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 levels. We’ve accepted 20 students in our Playgroup, 30 students for Kindergarten 1 and 10 students for Kindergarten 2 classes.
The facilities that we have at ‘The ICON Campus’ are:
The learning methodology will continue to be applied consistently across all our campuses. The Playgroup will use the grouping method and the Kindergarten 1 & 2 will apply the worship, science, preparation and kinesthetic centre approach.
We make du’ah that ‘The ICON’ can help develop Indonesia and the global Ummah’s future leaders, who are intelligent, creative, have good character and strong faith, Amiin (Wn)
On 6th April 2018, Leadership Publication Committee, representing Syafana Islamic School’s Secondary students, launched our very first magazine—called “VOICE”. This magazine is an initiative of EnglishClub@SIS. It’s original and made ‘by students for students’.
It was not easy for those of us who volunteered – it took 2 weeks to compile all the content of the “VOICE” magazine. Even when we’re done, we still had to edit to make our very first magazine originally published. Being part of the committee made us learn more how to write stories/articles, interview, do Internet research, source graphics, edit, manage our time, make decisions, see things from a reader’s point of view, work in a team. We’re really happy and proud when the magazine was finally published. The proceeds from this magazine will go to charity and our secondary student’s council.
This Voice magazine is a platform for Syafana Secondary students to express themselves through their talents, achievements, ideas, opinions and hobbies. In this magazine we can see what’s happening in all extracurricular activities. Through this magazine we can see that every student has talents in different fields. Not only that, this magazine is very suitable for many ages, especially teenagers. This magazine includes articles that are related to modern lifestyle; yet contain Islamic and educational values, which is a good reference for Muslim teenagers.
Field Trip terakhir ini siswa/i G-12 bertolak ke Lombok Utara.
Mereka mengunjungi Air Terjun Sindang Gile dan Tiu Kelep yang berada di kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani.
Karena perjalanan cukup jauh maka mereka diajak melipir ke rumah tenun orang desa Sukarare. Desa Sukarare merupakan salah satu desa yang terkenal dengan kerajinan tenun tradisional atau songket yg jaraknya sekitar 20 menit dari Bandara Internasional Lombok.
Siswa/i G-12 dan guru pendamping juga perpose dengan memakai songket yang biasanya dipakai dalam upacara adat.
Have a nice trip friends (miss u Tita)
Syafana Islamic School bersama lembaga kemanusiaan Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) menyelenggarakan pelatihan yang bertajuk Simulasi Siaga Bencana di Syafana Islamic School kampus B jl. Raya Curug Sangereng No. 1 Paradiso Gading Serpong Tangerang pada hari Sabtu 10 Maret 2018.
Acara ini bertujuan membentuk tim khusus dalam penanggulangan bencana yang terjadi di sekolah. Yang nantinya diharapkan pelatihan ini akan diteruskan ke peserta didik di 5 (lima) kampus Syafana Islamic School lainnya.
Pada kesempatan kali ini, ada sekitar 100 orang perwakilan management, guru dan staf Syafana Islamic School yang mendapatkan seminar penaggulangan bencana dengan dipandu oleh 5 (lima) orang instruktur dari ACT.
Ada dua simulasi bahaya dalam acara itu, yaitu kebakaran dan gempa bumi. Dengan diberikannya kelas indoor dan outdoor ini, para peserta diharapkan akan mempunyai pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang mumpuni dalam penanganan bencana di sekolah.
Tim khusus diharapkan juga mampu secepatnya mengadakan pelatihan ke peserta didik masing-masing kampus dan membuat buku saku tanggap darurat di sekolah.
“The Spirit of The Past Propels Us into the Future” inspired Mahrajan Islami event on January 30th, 2018. We are as the Muslims 21st generations have to learn from Islamic heroes and heroines to make better future. The event was started by the opening remark from Ustadz Khoirul Ihsan Hasibuan as the Vice Principal of Islamic Studies. In this opportunity he reminded the students about the importance of learning about Islamic histories and takes the lessons for the future.
Students learnt Islamic values by joining some competitions. There are tahfizh, Arabic spelling baa, Speech, calligraphy, smart quiz and storytelling about prophets.
Syafana Islamic School had a project for fund-raising for Palestine, which involved buying the school Calendar 2018 for Rp 30.000 each. A time limit of around 3 (three) weeks was given to collect the funds. And we pleasantly surprised that the total fundraising was Rp 100.000.000, Alhamdulillah.
Alhamdulillah, we cooperated with Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT-Fast Action Response), which was officially launched by law on 19th January 2018 as the foundation engaged in social and humanitarian fields, to deliver our donation to Palestine. We make du’ah that our brothers and sister in Palestine will be happy with our donation and that Allah SWT rewards our students and parents, as Allah SWT says: “. Barangsiapa bertakwa kepada Allah, niscaya Dia akan membukakan jalan keluar baginya, dan Dia memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangka. Dan barangsiapa bertawakal kepada Allah niscaya Allah akan mencukupinya..” (QS. Ath – Thalaq 2-3). Aamiin!
Syafana Islamic School had a project for fund-raising for Palestine, which involved buying the school Calendar 2018 for Rp 30.000 each. A time limit of around 3 (three) weeks was given to collect the funds. And we pleasantly surprised that the total fundraising was Rp 100.000.000, Alhamdulillah.
Alhamdulillah, we cooperated with Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT-Fast Action Response), which was officially launched by law on 19th January 2018 as the foundation engaged in social and humanitarian fields, to deliver our donation to Palestine. We make du’ah that our brothers and sister in Palestine will be happy with our donation and that Allah SWT rewards our students and parents, as Allah SWT says: “. Barangsiapa bertakwa kepada Allah, niscaya Dia akan membukakan jalan keluar baginya, dan Dia memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangka. Dan barangsiapa bertawakal kepada Allah niscaya Allah akan mencukupinya..” (QS. Ath – Thalaq 2-3). Aamiin!
PIP is an event where school explains the programs for one year ahead. Alhamdulillah, this academic year, it was conducted on July 22nd, 2017 from 08.00 until 11.30 a.m. in multi-function hall of Syafana Islamic School.
Ust. Marjak, S.S as the principal of Syafana Islamic School-Primary has expressed his gratitude to teachers, parents, management, security, SM,GA and all parties that have worked hard together and has supported each other to make the education process of 2017-2018 academic year run successfully.
Furthermore, he bears to mind about the importance of good cooperation and communication between parents at home and teachers at school. It is necessary because children mostly spend their time from 07.30 to 15.00 P.M. at school with the teachers. Parents may use many ways to communicate with the teachers such as social media (WA, phone call, BB) and school also provide communication book as media of communication between parents and teachers. (MJ)
At the end of his speech, he has introduced the best teachers’ team for Primary 2 up to primary 6. Here are the teachers’ teams for 2017-2018academic year.
Primary 2 Level
Level | Homeroom Teachers’ Name | |
Primary 2 A | Iwa Koswara, S.Pd.I, M.Pd | Wiwit Yuliyanti Lestari, S.Pd. |
Primary 2 B | Mustofa, Lc, S.Pd | Fitri Imas Mufidah, S.Pd |
Primary 2 C | Ajro Wilpa, S.Pd.I | Popi Rosepti, S.Pd |
Primary 2 D | Syamsul Hadi, S.E.I | Yanti Susilawati, S.Pd. |
Primary 2 E | Wahyu Hidayat, S.S. | Widra Yanti, S.Pd |
Primary 2 F | Febriyani Lestari, S.Si | Irwan Ridwana, S.Pd.I |
Primary 2G | Ahmad Fauzi, Lc | Riana Rizki Agustia, S.Pd |
Primary 3 Level
Level | Homeroom Teachers’ Name | |
Primary 3 A | Saparuddin, S.Sos.I | Suci Supratiwi, S.Psi |
Primary 3 B | Dimas Hadam Karunia, S.I.P | Enny Andri Astuti, S.E. |
Primary 3 C | Zaki Zamratul Ikhwan, S.Pd | Yayuk Haryanti, S.Pd |
Primary 3 D | Arif Wibowo, S.Q., S.Pd.I. | Mustika Widiati Cholik, S.Pd |
Primary 3 E | Yuni Ghaitsani, S.Pd | Rini Ifadati, S.Pd |
Primary 3 F | Abu Said Attabari, Lc | Nurkarimah, S.E / Tri LaelyFebriayani, M.Pd |
Primary 3 G | Kurniawan | Wirdaliyah, S.S |
Primary 4
Level | Homeroom Teachers’ Name | |
Primary 4 A | Anggara Riscana, S.Pd.I | Maulina Nur Latifah, S.Pd.I |
Primary 4 B | Mochammad Ridhwan Musthofa, Lc | Eliza Fitriani Natungga, S.Sos., S.Pd.I. |
Primary 4 C | Siti Muidah Romli, Lc | Ali Syafaat, S.Pd. |
Primary 4 D | Abdul Rohim, Lc | Metty Nurbaity, S.Sos. |
Primary 4 E | Jamal | Ayi Amaliah, S.Pd |
Primary 4 F | Tri Suci Adhiyani | Niken Elfi Niamah, S.Pd |
Primary 4 G | Siprul Ahyar Lc | Ricke Octaviana, S.P |
Primary 5
Level | Homeroom Teachers’ Name | |
Primary 5 A | Abdul Haris, Lc | Sri Widia Astuti, S.S. |
Primary 5 B | Aliya, Lc | Asep Mahmud,S.S, M.Pd |
Primary 5 C | Muhamad Mulyanto, Lc | Neli Ismalia, S.Pd |
Primary 5 D | Bintu Syaifa Al-Aziza, Lc | Setyawan Yulianto, S.Pd |
Primary 5 E | Umar Nur, Lc | Bethi Anik Purwati, S.Pd |
Primary 5 F | Rahmat Hidayat, Lc | Donna Apriani, S.S |
Primary 6
Level | Homeroom Teachers’ Name | |
Primary 6 A | Uly Ni matil Izzah, Lc | Fathurachman Suhendi, S.Pd., M.Pd |
Primary 6 B | Sahid Abdullah, Lc | Sri Hastuti, S.Pd. |
Primary 6 C | Salyono Siswo Utomo, Lc | Gwi Widayani, S.S |
Primary 6 D | Zainal Mubarok, S.Pd | Siti Ulfah Septianti, S.Pd. |
Primary 6 E | Saiful Mujab, Lc. | Anis Kusumaningrum, S.S. |
Primary 6 F | Hariyanto Rangkuti, S.Pd.I | Restu Indria, S.Pd |
Saturday, 10th of June 2017 was a big day for Primary students batch fourth. They were inaugurated after finishing all programs in Syafana Islamic School and ready to continue to higher level of education.
In his speech, the principal said that graduated from Primary is not the end but it is the beginning of the long journey of education. So, you may be happy and grateful to Allah SWT but there will be more challenging in the future.
The graduation has started at 08.00 A.M, not only inaugurating students by giving the medals and certificates as well as some performances were showed by Primary level for the last time.
Congratulations students, our door are always open to welcome you at any time. May Allah SWT always be in every path of your life.
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