Eid Adha 1347H Event

14316773_155745844871844_8728375017684857277_nSyafana Islamic School held an event of Idul Adha 1437 H on Tuesday, 13th September 2016. The goal of the event is to introduce students about the glorious faith of prophet Ibrahim alaihissalam and Ismail alaihissalam. This year Syafana Islamic School managed to raise 57 goats and 4 cows, the animals came from purchases facilitated by the committee, and the rest were animals whose acquisition coordinated by Syafana- Parents Teachers Association.


Not all animals were slaughtered at the school, there were 47 live goats distributed to residents around the schools, namely, kampong Kongsi Baru, Curug Nagrek, Curug  Sangerang, Cibogo, Kelapa Dua, Serpong Garden, Lengkong Kulon, Lengkong Kyai, Pabuaran, Cigaten, Kalipaten, Pakulonan and Cihuni and many more. resize

Hopefully the contribution of all those who have supported this event rewarded with good deed and slaughtering of the mudhohhi accepted by Allah SWT as a form Taqorrub, amen


IMG-20160903-WA0015In accordance with the stages of children development, the characteristics of the way children learn, the concept of learning and meaningful learning, then learning activities for elementary school students, especially in the early grades is done by Thematic Learning. Thematic Learning is learning which is designed based on a particular theme. In its discussion theme was revisited on a variety of subjects. For example, the theme of “Water” can be viewed from Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics. With this model the student is able to learn the knowledge and develop basic competency among subjects in the same theme. In the other hand the understanding of the subject matter becomes more profound and memorable.   The Thematic Learning is ‘Authentic Learning’, because the competencies to be built is not only the cognitive aspect but also affective and conative (psychomotor). With this model of learning, the assessment of learning outcomes must describe the students’ competency in the three aspects.

Assessment of learning outcomes that describe the students’ competency in cognitive, affective and conative is known as the Authentic Assessment. With this assessment model students are encouraged to construct, organize, synthesize, interpret, explain and evaluate information to turn it into a new knowledge. With Authentic Assessment, evaluation of learning outcomes is not accomplished only with a written assessment (formative and summative test) but also through the assessment of Performance, Project and Portfolio. With Thematic Learning model coupled with Authentic Assessment, the learning process is no longer ‘Teacher Centered’ but ‘Student Centered’.IMG-20160903-WA0016

In the framework of the program to increase the competence of teachers, especially in implementing the Thematic Learning model coupled with Authentic Assessment, the workshop was held on Saturday, September 3 in Multifunctional Hall – Paradiso Campus.  The workshop was attended by teachers of P1 – P3 level such as Homeroom Teachers, Specialist Teachers and the Subject Heads. Despite at the expense of their holyday, the participants seemed enthusiastic attended the workshop that lasted until in the afternoon. Insha Allah, the results of this workshop will increase the professionalism of the teachers. (HP)



In order to increase the Kindergarten teachers’ knowledge and practical skill in using natural building block game, a specific training was held on August 29, 2016 in Gading Serpong campus, and on August 30, 2016 in Graha Raya campus. There were a lot of benefits that could be gained through this natural building block game towards the children’s development of cognitive, physical motoric and social-emotional. This training is so important because this academic year Syafana Kindergarten has updated the playground arcades and its educational games as well internationally. All of these programs have been realized due to the continuous improvement of educational quality in Syafana Islamic School.