Dear Parents,

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

We cordially invite you to attend our Parenting Seminar on “Motivating Positive Behavior for Children and Adolescents During Holiday” with key speaker Roslina Verauli, M.Psi., Psikolog. The event will be held on:

Date: Saturday, 15th December 2018

Time: 08.00 am – 12.00 pm

Venue: Syafana Islamic School – Secondary New Campus, Jl. Lengkong Kyai BSD City

Key Events:

  • Parenting seminar
  • Interactive session on effective holiday planning for family, with guest speaker Ms. Yulyet Liu from Bayu Buana Travel
  • Student performance
  • Students’ arts & innovation gallery
  • Academic consultation and meet & greet with Principals, VP, and School Management

The Parenting Seminar aims to prepare parents on how to plan an effective holiday for family, including how to prepare child for back to school time. While the interactive session aims to share knowledge and experience on effective holiday planning for family, including budgeting, destination selection, etc., from travel expert point of view.

GET 100% CASHBACK for new student registration fee if you register and making payment during the event.

Get a chance to win DOORPRIZE!

This seminar is FREE and open for public. In order to ensure a smooth arrangement and to enable us to serve you better during this event, please confirm your participation by sending an email to: [email protected] consisting of your full name and phone number, or by calling to our school: 021-30437474.


Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Namanya Muhammad Akbar. Dia adalah putra pasangan bapak Wiyosobroto dan ibu Mimi Sandriani. Saat ini Akbar tercatat sebagai siswa kelas 5-A Syafana Islamic School Gading Serpong Tangerang-Banten.Pada hari ahad tanggal 4 Nopember 2018 yang lalu, Akbar meraih juara di “Youth Science Inovation Fair 2018” yang diselenggarakan oleh LIPI dalam Indonesia Science Expo. Dalam ajang tersebut, Akbar juga berhasil memperoleh penghargaan tertinggi Special Award on Life Science 2018 dengan karya “Automatic Shoes Cleaner” menyisihkan siswa-siswa hebat lainnya.

Sebelumnya, pada bulan Oktober tahun ini, Akbar juga menjadi juara Kalbe Junior Scientist Award 2018 sebagai peneliti cilik terunggul.

Akbar juga tercatat pernah menjadi juara International Robot Olympiad di Beijing China kategori robot in Movie Junior dan Creative Category Junior menyisihkan ribuan peserta dari berbagai negara. Masih banyak lagi deretan prestasi yang ditorehkan Akbar di kancah nasional maupun internasional.

Akbar Seorang Hafizh Al-Quran

Istimewanya lagi, tidak hanya jago dalam bidang sains, Akbar juga tercatat sebagai seorang Hafizh Al-Quran (Penghafal Alqur’an).

Setiap pagi dari hari Senin hingga Sabtu, bocah cilik ini bangun pukul 3 dini hari dan bersiap berangkat ke sekolah sebelum sholat subuh untuk menunaikan sholat subuh berjamaah di mesjid Syafana Al Iman Syafana Islamic School, yang berjarak sekitar 5-7 KM dari rumahnya. Tepat mulai pukul 05.00 WIB hingga 08.00 WIB Akbar bersama teman-temannya menghafal Al-Quran di bawah bimbingan seorang Hafizh Al-Quran dan seorang Syaikh dari Al-Azhar Mesir. Ayat demi ayat Alquran Akbar hafal dengan riang dan gembira. Setelah pukul 8.00 WIB, Akbar mengikuti kegiatan belajar reguler di Syafana Islamic School Gading Serpong-Tangerang. Ba’da Isya, Akbar langsung tidur, sebagaimana penuturan kedua orangtuanya.

Menguasai 2 Bahasa Asing, Inggris dan Arab

Tidak hanya juara dalam bidang sains dan Hafizh Al-Quran, Akbar juga menguasai 2 bahasa Asing yaitu Inggris dan Arab. Dengan lancar dan penuh percaya diri, Akbar mampu mempresentasikan hasil karyanya di setiap ajang lomba yang diikutinya dengan bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesia. Akbar berhasil meyakinkan para juri dari dalam negeri maupun manca negara.

Sejarah Niscaya Berulang

Jika kita pernah membaca dan mendengar nama-nama besar yang tercatat dalam sejarah peradaban dunia seperti Ibnu Sina atau yang dikenal di dunia barat sebagai Avicenna yang masyhur sebagai seorang filosof, ilmuwan, dokter dan ahli teologi. Dia adalah bapak pengobatan modern. Kita juga mengenal tokoh besar bernama Al-Farabi. Beliau dikenal dengan karya-karyanya dalam bidang matematika, Filosofi, kedokteran dan musik. Kita juga mengenal nama besar seperti Ibnu Rusyd, seorang yang di dunia Barat dikenal sebagai averos. Ia adalah seorang filosof dan pemikir besar dari Andalusia yang banyak menghasilkan karya dalam berbagai bidang disiplin ilmu, termasuk filsafat, akidah, teologi Islam, kedokteran, astronomi, fisika, fiqh dan linguistik. Serta masih banyak lagi tokoh-tokoh besar yang tercatat dalam sejarah seperti Imam Al-Ghazali, Al-khawarizmi, Al-Jajary dan lain-lain. Mereka adalah para pecinta ilmu, ilmuan, ulama yang juga seluruhnya menghafal Al-Quran sejak usia dini. Subhanallah…

Maka pada diri Muhammad Akbar dan metode pembelajaran yang dia terima selama ini dari kedua orangtua dan sekolahnya serta masyarakatnya akan memberi secercah harapan untuk mengikuti langkah-langkah besar para ulama dan ilmuan terdahulu. Semoga Akbar terus bisa berprestasi mengharumkan nama Indonesia dan menginspirasi anak-anak Indonesia lainnya. AMIN Ya rabb…..

Ditulis Oleh :
Nanang Firdaus Masduki, Lc
(Managing Director of Syafana Islamic School Tangerang)

Secondary level ON THE MOVE

Introducing Our NEW CAMPUS

A unique architectured, world-class, well-resourced and inspiring campus, which will further motivate our dedicated Secondary (Lower & Upper) students.
Located in a strategic area in Lengkong Kyai, BSD City, with its world class infrastructure and facilities.

We invite YOU to join us on a TOUR of our brand new campus.

We are so EXCITED! Please join us!

See you there


Tahfidz Programme 30 Juz Within 2 Years 1st Batch Review

Alhamdulillah Syafana Islamic School’s Tahfidz Programme 30 juz within 2 years 1ST batch, which has been in full swing since it started on 10th January 2018, . We have 50 (fifty) participants from Primary 2 to Grade 10 levels. They are divided into 6 (six) groups and are taught by muhaffidz/ah who memorise 30 juz also. Our students under the supervision of Syekh Sayyid Amin from WAHATUL Furqan Tahfidz Foundation at Cairo, Egypt. Ust. Anov and Ust Ikhsan of Syafana Islamic School management also observe their progress day-by-day.

Tahfidz class takes place every day from Monday to Saturday.  Everyday our students starts memorising Al Qur’an from 5–8am at Masjid Al Iman Syafana Paradiso and after that they continue their studies in the classroom until 2pm, 3pm or 4pm.

For the last 6 (six) months, they’ve already memorised juz 25-30, Masya Allah…

Here is the list of the 1st Batch:

To prove our commitment, Syafana Islamic School has now opened applications for the 2nd batch that will start on 16th July 2018. Congratulations! Insya Allah this programme will run successfully because of blessings from Allah SWT!

Hopefully this programme will continue every year and Syafana Islamic School will deliver many Hafidz/ah 30 juz of Al-Qur’an. Aamiin Yaa Rabb!

Tahfidz Programme 30 juz within 2 years Interview Parents Feedback

Interesting feedback from a P5F student’s parent about the 2-Year 30 Juz Tahfidz programme.  Amar’s mom is very grateful that her son is on this programme.  She says, “It makes him love the Qur’an.”

Not only has he learnt to memorise the holy Qur’an, but it’s also improved his memory; She’s seen an improvement in his academic performance, which makes her very happy.

Amar is very enthusiastic about the Tahfidz activities everyday.  He’s also more disciplined and organised now.  He knows what time he should sleep and wakes up himself in the morning.   And he knows when to take a break from other activities.





Damar’s mom believes that Syafana Islamic School considers that every student is unique; they have different capabilities in memorising Al-Quran. All students were spread into group based on their skills so students will enjoy the Tahfidz programme. The challenge for parents is about commitment and responsibility. Damar (P5C) also said that he really enjoys participating in this Tahfidz programme , which has made him more focussed and relaxed about his Tahfidz target. He said that the program also made him understand not only about Qur’anic recitation but also the in-depth meaning of it.




Meanwhile, Salsa’s mom confirmed that the Tahfidz program resulted in several positive benefits; it made her more disciplined, responsible, calm

and easy to cope with any academic work. Her mom also supports Salsa’s requirements, such as: vitamins, milk and nutritious food. It will keep Salsa (G-8B) cheerful. Her mom also expressed her gratitude to Ustadz Saddam and Fauzan who encouraged her to register for this programme. Big thanks also to Ustadz Ihsan who also helped a lot. Salsa has finished Juz 30- 25.


Alhamdulillah, how inspiring!

The ICON Campus 4th branch of Syafana Islamic School

Alhamdulillah, after 14 years, Syafana Islamic School opened its 4th campus, called ‘The ICON Campus ’, ready for the 2018-19 academic year.  Located at Horizon Broadway M9-10, near to An-Nahl Masjid and sports club, it’s the ideal environment to have an Islamic School.

This campus caters for: Pre-school, Playgroup, Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 levels.  We’ve accepted 20 students in our Playgroup, 30 students for Kindergarten 1 and 10 students for Kindergarten 2 classes.

The facilities that we have at ‘The ICON Campus’ are:

  • Outdoor and indoor playground
  • Computer lab
  • Dining room
  • Mini hall
  • Prayer room

The learning methodology will continue to be applied consistently across all our campuses.  The Playgroup will use the grouping method and the Kindergarten 1 & 2 will apply the worship, science, preparation and kinesthetic centre approach.

We make du’ah that ‘The ICON’ can help develop Indonesia and the global Ummah’s future leaders, who are intelligent, creative, have good character and strong faith, Amiin (Wn)

English Club Launching Voice Mag #1 Edition

Article by Nayla Syifana G7

On 6th April 2018, Leadership Publication Committee, representing Syafana Islamic School’s Secondary students, launched our very first magazine—called “VOICE”. This magazine is an initiative of EnglishClub@SIS.  It’s original and made ‘by students for students’.

It was not easy for those of us who volunteered – it took 2 weeks to compile all the content of the “VOICE” magazine. Even when we’re done, we still had to edit to make our very first magazine originally published. Being part of the committee made us learn more how to write stories/articles, interview, do Internet research, source graphics, edit, manage our time, make decisions, see things from a reader’s point of view, work in a team. We’re really happy and proud when the magazine was finally published. The proceeds from this magazine will go to charity and our secondary student’s council.

This Voice magazine is a platform for Syafana Secondary students to express themselves through their talents, achievements, ideas, opinions and hobbies. In this magazine we can see what’s happening in all extracurricular activities. Through this magazine we can see that every student has talents in different fields. Not only that, this magazine is very suitable for many ages, especially teenagers. This magazine includes articles that are related to modern lifestyle; yet contain Islamic and educational values, which is a good reference for Muslim teenagers.