Tahfidz Programme 30 Juz Within 2 Years 1st Batch Review

Alhamdulillah Syafana Islamic School’s Tahfidz Programme 30 juz within 2 years 1ST batch, which has been in full swing since it started on 10th January 2018, . We have 50 (fifty) participants from Primary 2 to Grade 10 levels. They are divided into 6 (six) groups and are taught by muhaffidz/ah who memorise 30 juz also. Our students under the supervision of Syekh Sayyid Amin from WAHATUL Furqan Tahfidz Foundation at Cairo, Egypt. Ust. Anov and Ust Ikhsan of Syafana Islamic School management also observe their progress day-by-day.

Tahfidz class takes place every day from Monday to Saturday.  Everyday our students starts memorising Al Qur’an from 5–8am at Masjid Al Iman Syafana Paradiso and after that they continue their studies in the classroom until 2pm, 3pm or 4pm.

For the last 6 (six) months, they’ve already memorised juz 25-30, Masya Allah…

Here is the list of the 1st Batch:

To prove our commitment, Syafana Islamic School has now opened applications for the 2nd batch that will start on 16th July 2018. Congratulations! Insya Allah this programme will run successfully because of blessings from Allah SWT!

Hopefully this programme will continue every year and Syafana Islamic School will deliver many Hafidz/ah 30 juz of Al-Qur’an. Aamiin Yaa Rabb!

Tahfidz Programme 30 juz within 2 years Interview Parents Feedback

Interesting feedback from a P5F student’s parent about the 2-Year 30 Juz Tahfidz programme.  Amar’s mom is very grateful that her son is on this programme.  She says, “It makes him love the Qur’an.”

Not only has he learnt to memorise the holy Qur’an, but it’s also improved his memory; She’s seen an improvement in his academic performance, which makes her very happy.

Amar is very enthusiastic about the Tahfidz activities everyday.  He’s also more disciplined and organised now.  He knows what time he should sleep and wakes up himself in the morning.   And he knows when to take a break from other activities.





Damar’s mom believes that Syafana Islamic School considers that every student is unique; they have different capabilities in memorising Al-Quran. All students were spread into group based on their skills so students will enjoy the Tahfidz programme. The challenge for parents is about commitment and responsibility. Damar (P5C) also said that he really enjoys participating in this Tahfidz programme , which has made him more focussed and relaxed about his Tahfidz target. He said that the program also made him understand not only about Qur’anic recitation but also the in-depth meaning of it.




Meanwhile, Salsa’s mom confirmed that the Tahfidz program resulted in several positive benefits; it made her more disciplined, responsible, calm

and easy to cope with any academic work. Her mom also supports Salsa’s requirements, such as: vitamins, milk and nutritious food. It will keep Salsa (G-8B) cheerful. Her mom also expressed her gratitude to Ustadz Saddam and Fauzan who encouraged her to register for this programme. Big thanks also to Ustadz Ihsan who also helped a lot. Salsa has finished Juz 30- 25.


Alhamdulillah, how inspiring!