Innopreneur Week 2022 – Lower Secondary Syafana Islamic School

Written by Kayra G7B

These days, Innovations and Entrepreneurship play a big role in our lives, especially. That’s why Syafana Lower Secondary merged both of those creative topics and turned them into the ‘Innopreneur Event’, organised from Tuesday, 22nd – Thursday ,24th February 2022. This event expected students to develop and improve their communication, creative thinking, and leadership skills. Here’s how the event went.
Tuesday, 22nd February 2022, was the first day of the Innopreneur event 2022. At the opening, we were warmly greeted by the MC. This was followed by an inspirational speech by the Syafana Lower Secondary Principal, Ust Mantazakka. After the opening, we had a pre-promotion session, where all students from each group took turns to promote their product by showing their adverts and brochures. Thereafter, we continued the day with a special webinar, starring Ibu Damayanti, S.Psi, S.Pd. Many students stated that the webinar helped with how they could present, and how to improve their business. Overall the first day was a huge success.

The second day of the Innopreneur event started off with everyone preparing for their presentations. We previewed the activities from the day before, and we were required to present our business plans, and explain our products thoroughly. Since we did not have enough time for all categories, the day was especially dedicated to the Environment and Health sectors, as well as the Creative Economy sector, for the G9 students. All attention was focused on how each group represented their class and product in such detail, creative and innovative ways. The judges and audience overall were happy with everyone’s presentations and hard work.

Thursday, 24th February 2022, marked the last day of this event. Just like the previous day, everyone were hustling on their presentations. But this day, we focused on Technology, and Fashion, also continued with the other half of Creative Economy. The first half started off smoothly, most students answered the Judges’ reviews and comments amazingly. The second half was also a huge success. At the creative economy breakout room, everyone was so focused on each other’s presentations, looking so proud and relieved after presenting.

On the following day, the long-awaited winners’ announcement took place. After three days presenting, promoting, and sheer hard work, the judges announced the winners. Which are the following classes/group:

G7 : 7B (Waste Hero) – Nala, Amanda, Kayra, Rafa, Rafi, Nabil
G8 : 8C (Garbage & Go) – Nadia, Nana, Nayyara, Gia, Rashya, Kemal)

G7 : 7A (Mr. Fuzz) – Amanda, Bilqis, Bram, Cinta, Hafidz, Najla
G8: 8F (Aromameds) – Zahra, Moza, Nabila, Hasya, Teora

G7: 7A (OPTI-E) – Akhdan, Azzam, Enzo, Aya, Reno, Gerrad
G8: 8B (Ratte-Bot) – Ghani, radiel, zhafran, kekoa, dwayne, akasyah

G7: 7A (Saddlemic) – Athaya, Alyssa, Chansa, Tsamara
G8: 8F (Smart hat) – Balqis, Lady, Mutia, Keisha, Belva

Creative Economy
1st : G9A group 3 (Billbrot) : Icha, Anisa, Lana, Lovely, Athaya
2nd: G9B group 3 (trash to stash) : Pasya, Alisya, Alsha, Nawra, Syahla
3rd : G9C group 4 (daily budd) : Keira, Yumi, Nisa, Anggun

Favorite winners
(taken from Syafana metabox @ 11.30)
G7: 7B (Waste hero)
G8 : 8E (eco waste)
G9: 9C (Recoop)

At the end of the day, everyone did absolutely amazing. The Innopreneur event concluded with a lesson and grant experience for everyone: to try again and again, not to give up easily, and improve what we have learned.

Khidmah Korps Dai Syafana Februari 2022

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

Para donatur Korps Dai Syafana yang dirahmati Allah

Alhamdulillah berkat supportnya Korps Dai Syafana masih terus memberikan khidmah kepada kaum muslimin.

Berikut ini khidmah Korps Dai Syafana pada bulan Februari ini:

A. Layanan Ambulance:

1. Mengantar Jenazah dari Cijantung Jkt ke Lampung, 2-4 Feb
2. Mengantar Pasien dari Metro Cisauk ke RS Hermina, 4 Feb
3. Mengantar Pasien dari Perum Harkit ke Siloam, 6 Feb 2022
4. Mengantar Pasien dari Pagedangan ke Pakulonan, 8 Feb 2022
5. Mengantar Pasien dari Puskesmas Pagedangan, 9 Feb 2022
6. Mengantar Jenazah ke pemakaman di Kelapa 2, 17 Feb 2022
7. Mengantar Pasien, dari perum Metro Cisauk ke RS Hermina, 23 Feb 2022
8. Mengantar Jenazah dari Jakarta ke Kadipaten Pagedangan, 26 Feb 2022
9. Mengantar Pasien, dari Lengkong ke klinik Atmajaya, 25 Feb 2022
10. Mengantar Jenazah dari Pagedangan ke Dukuh Legok, 26 Feb 2022

B. Ruqyah
1. Cipining, Bogor. Selasa, 1 Februari 2022
2. Jl Raya Serpong, Paku Alam, Selasa, 1 Februari 2022
3. Periuk Tangerang, Sabtu, 5 Februari 2022
4. Periuk Tangerang, Ahad, 20 Februari 2022
5. Cipining, Bogor, Ahad, 22 Februari 2022

C. Dakwah

1. Ceramah Isra’ Mi’raj di musholla Al Ikhlas Sampora oleh ust Ruhendi, Lc, Kamis 24 Februari 2022

Selain itu tim Korps Dai juga telah melaksanakan beberapa kegiatan dakwah terjadwal lainnya berupa khutbah dan kajian di beberapa masjid dan musholla sekitar Gading Serpong, BSD dan Pondok Jagung.

Kami ucapkan terimakasih yang sebanyak-banyaknya.Penuh harap dan doa tulus semoga Allah SWT memberikan balasan kebaikan, berkah, kemudahan dan rahmat yang melimpah dan tiada henti untuk para donatur dan segenap partisipan. Amien

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

DKM Masjid Agung Syafana Al Iman


Sejak Selasa, 1 Maret 2022 lalu, banjir merendam pemukiman warga dibeberapa kecamatan Serang – Banten. Bencana alam ini mengetuk Syafana Islamic School tergerak mengambil peran meringankan beban sesama. Hal ini diwujudkan dengan sinerginya manajemen Syafana Islamic School, Parent Teacher Association (PTA), dan perwakilan staf dalam melaksanakan agenda penyerahan bantuan kemanusiaan melalui program rutin yang selalu hadir menjadi pelita bagi daerah di Indonesia yang terdampak bencana. Kagiatan ini bertujuan untuk memupuk ukhuwah Islamiyyah, ukhuwah watoniyyah dan ukhuwah insaniyyah melalui program Syafana Peduli yang akan berlangsung pada hari Jumat (04/03).
Dalam misi kemanusiaan ini, Syafana Islamic School melalui program Syafana Peduli mengerahkan 6 unit school bus Toyota Hi Ace dan 1 unit mobil Suzuki APV untuk menyalurkan bantuan kedua Posko di Serang – Banten. Bantuan yang diberikan melalui program Syafana Peduli diantaranya paket sembako 300 pack, paket sabun 299 pack, alat pel 150 pack, alas tidur 150 pcs, selimut 300 pcs, pakaian dalam, kebutuhan bayi 150 pack dan obat-obatan yang di total berjumlah kurang lebih 150 Juta Rupiah.
Kami mengucapkan duka cita dan turut prihatin, terutama untuk saudara-saudara kita yang terdampak banjir di Serang – Banten. Semoga dengan kehadiran kami saat ini dapat membantu meringankan beban sesama.

Tangerang, 04 Maret 2022
Bima Rizki Prayogo