Syafana Islamic School Sukses Gelar Syafest 2019

Syafana Islamic School kembali menggelar Syafana Festival (SYAFEST) 2019. Acara rutin dua tahunan ini sukses digelar dari Sabtu 16/2/2019 hingga Sabtu 23/2/2019 di lima kampus Syafana Islamic School. Gelaran ini juga diikuti oleh seluruh unit sekolah di Syafana Islamic School dari KB-TK, SD, SMP, dan SMA.

Gelaran SYAFEST 2019 kali ini mengusung tema ‘Euphor14’ sekaligus memperingati Milad ke-14 Syafana Islamic School. Seluruh unit mulai dari KB-TK hingga SMA mengikuti kegiatan ini. Menariknya pada kegiatan ini OSIS SMP dan SMA berkecimpung dikepanitiaan, sehingga banyak pelajaran dan pengalaman yang didapat.

Alejandra Marsha Ludwina, Ketua OSIS SMA Syafana Islamic School sekaligus Ketua Panitia SYAFEST 2019 mengatakan bahwa melalui acara ini para panitia dari siswa mendapatkan banyak pelajaran san pengalaman berharga.

“Dari acara ini kita mendapatkan banyak pengalaman dari mulai berhubungan dengan orang lain dan juga kerjasama team. Mungkin juga yang dulu sama adik kelas belum kenal, melalui acara ini jadi bisa akrab,” paparnya di Syafana Islamic School BSD, Sabtu (23/2/2019).

Sementara Nayla Khansa Syifana, Ketua OSIS SMP Syafana Islamic School dan juga Ketua Panitia SYAFEST 2019 menjelaskan bahwa dalam mennsukseskan acara ini tentu ada beberapa kendala. Akan tetapi kendala itu harus dihadapi dan diberikan solusi.

“Dalam perjalanannya mempersiapkan acara ini ada yang tidak sesuai dengan keinginan kita, intinya harus sabar dan ikhlas karena mungkin nanti di dunia kerja akan seperti ini. Jadi ketika nanti berhadapan dengan situasi yang sama, maka aku tau langkah apa yang mau diambil,” ungkapnya.

SYAFEST 2019 diikuti sebanyak 150 sekolah dari berbagai sekolah di Jabodetabek mulai tingkat TK hingga SMA. Total peserta yang ikut andil dalam acara ini sekitar 2400 siswa dengam 17 cabang perlombaa baik untuk internal maupun eksternal.

Adapun beberapa perlombaan diantaranya Futsal, Basket, Bermain Angklung, Coloring, Drawing, Musabaqah Hifdzil Qur’an (MHQ), Tahfidz, English Spelling Bee, Arabic Spelling Baa, English Story Telling, Traditional Dance, English Debate, Singing, Olimpiade Matematika, Olimpiade IPA, Pidato, dan Puisi.

Selain itu juga ada kegiatan Talk Show dengan Novelis Muda, Rintik Sedu, Co-Founder Menjadi Manusia, Adam Alfarez, dan Special Performance by Raynaldo Wijaya.

“Gelaran SYAFEST ini bertujuan untuk menjalin silaturahmi antar sekolah-sekolah yang menjadi peserta dan juga memperkenalkan kampus terbaru kami di BSD,” pungkas Haris Hadikusuma, Panitia sekaligus Bagian Kesiswaan SD Syafana Islamic School.


Dear Parents,

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

We cordially invite you to attend our Parenting Seminar on “Motivating Positive Behavior for Children and Adolescents During Holiday” with key speaker Roslina Verauli, M.Psi., Psikolog. The event will be held on:

Date: Saturday, 15th December 2018

Time: 08.00 am – 12.00 pm

Venue: Syafana Islamic School – Secondary New Campus, Jl. Lengkong Kyai BSD City

Key Events:

  • Parenting seminar
  • Interactive session on effective holiday planning for family, with guest speaker Ms. Yulyet Liu from Bayu Buana Travel
  • Student performance
  • Students’ arts & innovation gallery
  • Academic consultation and meet & greet with Principals, VP, and School Management

The Parenting Seminar aims to prepare parents on how to plan an effective holiday for family, including how to prepare child for back to school time. While the interactive session aims to share knowledge and experience on effective holiday planning for family, including budgeting, destination selection, etc., from travel expert point of view.

GET 100% CASHBACK for new student registration fee if you register and making payment during the event.

Get a chance to win DOORPRIZE!

This seminar is FREE and open for public. In order to ensure a smooth arrangement and to enable us to serve you better during this event, please confirm your participation by sending an email to: [email protected] consisting of your full name and phone number, or by calling to our school: 021-30437474.


Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Secondary level ON THE MOVE

Introducing Our NEW CAMPUS

A unique architectured, world-class, well-resourced and inspiring campus, which will further motivate our dedicated Secondary (Lower & Upper) students.
Located in a strategic area in Lengkong Kyai, BSD City, with its world class infrastructure and facilities.

We invite YOU to join us on a TOUR of our brand new campus.

We are so EXCITED! Please join us!

See you there


PIP (Parents Information Program)

PIP is an event where school explains the programs for one year ahead. Alhamdulillah, this academic year, it was conducted on July 22nd, 2017 from 08.00 until 11.30 a.m. in multi-function hall of Syafana Islamic School.

Ust. Marjak, S.S as the principal of Syafana Islamic School-Primary has expressed his gratitude to teachers, parents, management, security, SM,GA and all parties that have worked hard together and has supported each other  to make the education process of  2017-2018 academic year run successfully.

Furthermore, he bears to mind about the importance of good cooperation and communication between parents at home and teachers at school. It is necessary because children mostly spend their time from 07.30 to 15.00 P.M. at school with the teachers. Parents may use many ways to communicate with the teachers such as social media (WA, phone call, BB) and school also provide communication book as media of communication between parents and teachers. (MJ)

At the end of his speech, he has introduced the best teachers’ team for Primary 2 up to primary 6. Here are the teachers’ teams for 2017-2018academic year.

Primary 2 Level

Level Homeroom Teachers’ Name
Primary 2 A Iwa Koswara, S.Pd.I, M.Pd Wiwit Yuliyanti Lestari, S.Pd.
Primary 2 B Mustofa, Lc, S.Pd Fitri Imas Mufidah, S.Pd
Primary 2 C Ajro Wilpa, S.Pd.I Popi Rosepti, S.Pd
Primary 2 D Syamsul Hadi, S.E.I Yanti Susilawati, S.Pd.
Primary 2 E Wahyu Hidayat, S.S. Widra Yanti, S.Pd
Primary 2 F Febriyani Lestari, S.Si Irwan Ridwana, S.Pd.I
Primary 2G Ahmad Fauzi, Lc Riana Rizki Agustia, S.Pd


Primary 3 Level

Level Homeroom Teachers’ Name
Primary 3 A Saparuddin, S.Sos.I Suci Supratiwi, S.Psi
Primary 3 B Dimas Hadam Karunia, S.I.P Enny Andri Astuti, S.E.
Primary 3 C Zaki Zamratul Ikhwan, S.Pd Yayuk Haryanti, S.Pd
Primary 3 D Arif Wibowo, S.Q., S.Pd.I. Mustika Widiati Cholik, S.Pd
Primary 3 E Yuni Ghaitsani, S.Pd Rini Ifadati, S.Pd
Primary 3 F Abu Said Attabari, Lc Nurkarimah, S.E / Tri LaelyFebriayani, M.Pd
Primary 3 G Kurniawan Wirdaliyah, S.S

Primary 4

Level Homeroom Teachers’ Name
Primary 4 A Anggara Riscana, S.Pd.I Maulina Nur Latifah, S.Pd.I
Primary 4 B Mochammad Ridhwan Musthofa, Lc Eliza Fitriani Natungga, S.Sos., S.Pd.I.
Primary 4 C Siti Muidah Romli, Lc Ali Syafaat, S.Pd.
Primary 4 D Abdul Rohim, Lc Metty Nurbaity, S.Sos.
Primary 4 E Jamal Ayi Amaliah, S.Pd
Primary 4 F Tri Suci Adhiyani Niken Elfi Niamah, S.Pd
Primary 4 G Siprul Ahyar Lc Ricke Octaviana, S.P


Primary 5

Level Homeroom Teachers’ Name
Primary 5 A Abdul Haris, Lc Sri Widia Astuti, S.S.
Primary 5 B Aliya, Lc Asep Mahmud,S.S, M.Pd
Primary 5 C Muhamad Mulyanto, Lc Neli Ismalia, S.Pd
Primary 5 D Bintu Syaifa Al-Aziza, Lc Setyawan Yulianto, S.Pd
Primary 5 E Umar Nur, Lc Bethi Anik Purwati, S.Pd
Primary 5 F Rahmat Hidayat, Lc Donna Apriani, S.S


Primary 6

Level Homeroom Teachers’ Name
Primary 6 A Uly Ni matil Izzah, Lc Fathurachman Suhendi, S.Pd., M.Pd
Primary 6 B Sahid Abdullah, Lc Sri Hastuti, S.Pd.
Primary 6 C Salyono Siswo Utomo, Lc Gwi Widayani, S.S
Primary 6 D Zainal Mubarok, S.Pd Siti Ulfah Septianti, S.Pd.
Primary 6 E Saiful Mujab, Lc. Anis Kusumaningrum, S.S.
Primary 6 F Hariyanto Rangkuti, S.Pd.I Restu Indria, S.Pd

“We are little entrepreneur”

On Thursday September 22th 2016, Syafana Islamic School Graha Raya was held Entrepreneur Event. The purpose of this event is to encourage the students to be future success entrepreneur. So we took the theme “We are little entrepreneur”. In addition to, the students could improve their confidence to sell and promote the things and also communicate to their friends. In this event the students become seller, buyer and cashier. There are three students from each class K1 and K2. They have duty to keep their own stand. resize IMG_4513

The students sold any kinds of product such as meal box, tumbler, puzzle, small bag, pencil case, doll, and etc. This event was divided into two groups. First group are from K2 and Playgroup Al Kindi students. The second groups are from K1 and Al Zahrawi students. In the opening was attended by first group and lead by Sydh Firza as Principal. She opened the event by cutting the ribbon and flying the balloons in the Syafana Graha Market. It located was the parking area. After that they allowed to come to market area. They looked exited with the market because it was looked like real market. The buyers were brings the plastic and money (ticket) to buy what did they want to buy. For the seller they shout loudly for calling someone to buy their own products.

resize IMG_4531Finally they got the things what did they want. After shopping, they take a picture from each class and holding their plastic. They showed their big smile because they can feel like mom or dad did when shopping time. Thank to parents for the cooperation and support us for this Entrepreneur event. Next time, we hope this event can develop and give advantage for the students

Syafana Students perform at Talent Show Dukes International Summer School


#Mengharumkan Indonesia di Tanah Inggris#

Mengikuti summer school di negerinya Ratu Elizabeth adalah sebuah pengalaman sangat berharga. Sungguh beruntung siswa-siswi ini karena karena memiliki kesempatan yang tidak semua anak seusianya dapatkan. Mereka belajar bahasa dari para native speaker, berteman dengan siswa dari seantero dunia, mengenal budaya yang berbeda, berkompromi dengan cuaca yang setiap hari berubah-ubah. Sungguh peristiwa ini akan menjadi pengalaman yang tak terlupakan dalam lembaran hidup mereka. Pada awal kedatangan siswa-siswi Syafana ke Dukes International Program lebih dari seminggu yang lalu, saya sempat khawatir jika mereka terjangkit syndrome home sick, kangen rumah. Maka setiap ada kesempatan, saya selalu bertanya kepada dua guru pendamping, sayyidah Lili dan Ustadz Nanang Zamakhsari apakah anak-betah dan enjoy selama mengikuti kegiatan? Menurutnya, mereka sangat enjoy mengikuti program ini. Bahkan dalam satu kesempatan kunjungan ke Oxford, saya sempat bertanya kepada bebeberapa siswa, apakah enjoy dan menikmati kegiatan ini? Mereka malah balik bertanya, ustadz, kapan lagi ada acara seperti ini?? Luar biasa. Dengan sendirinya kekhawatiran itu terbantahkan. Berbeda halnya dengan anak-anak yang selalu disibukkan dengan kegiatan dari pagi hingga malam, saya justeru sebaliknya tak sabar kapan puncak kegiatan anak-anak. Yang berarti waktu kepulangan ke tanah air semakin dekat. Salah satu puncak kegiatan summer school ini adalah Talent Show, ajang untuk menunjukkan bakat dan talenta di bidang masing-masing. Dan Syafana akan menampilkan tari tradisional kebanggaan bangsa: Tari Saman. Jika persiapan siswa-siswi dari negara lain tampak biasa saja dan apa adanya, para penati Saman kebanggan kita sudah melakukan persiapan jauh-jauh hari. Bahkan perlengkapan tari saman adalah yang paling banyak. IMG-20160803-WA0035

Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu pun akhirnya tiba. Jauh-jauh hari saya sudah diberi tahu kalau jadwal penampilan tari saman di depan seluruh peserta program adalah hari selasa tgl 2 Agustus. Beberapa jam sebelum acara kami sudah meluncur dari hotel ke Canford School. Kami diberitahu kalau kegiatan belajar akan berlangsung seperti biasa hanya selesai lebih cepat untuk memberikan kesempatan seluruh siswa mempersiapkan diri. Tepat pukul 6 sore, siswa-siswi Syafana diminta untuk melaksanakan dinner lebih dulu di banding siswa-siswi yang lain. Sambil makan malam, saya perhatikan mereka asyik bercengkerama satu sama lain. Mungkin untuk mengurangi perasaan nervous. Setelah selesai dinner, mereka langsung menuju gedung teater, tempat acara berlangsung dengan membawa perlengkapan masing-masing. 15 menit jelang acara mulai, mereka sudah mulai melakukan persiapan di atas panggung. Tampaknya mereka enjoy walau tak dapat dipungkiri tampak juga sedikit ketegangan. Tapi hebatnya, ternyata mereka berusaha untuk saling support satu sama lain. Kami juga sampaikan kepada anak-anak, jangan nervous, buatlah para penonton takjub sama kalian. Buatlah mereka bangga dan bisa kenal Indonesia. Saat performance pun tiba. Tari Saman dijadwalkan menjadi opening Talent show. Seluruh siswa diminta untuk menempati tempat duduk yang telah disediakan. Dan tarattttttttt…. layar merah penutup panggung dibuka. Tari Saman mulai beraksi. Sepanjang performance, beberapa kali tepuk membahana di ruangan itu untuk memberi applause. Bahkan beberapa siswa teriak dan berusaha untuk mengikuti gerakannya. Setelah beberapa menit performance, penampilan tari Saman selesai. Dan tanpa dikomando semua penonton berdiri sambil tepuk tangan dan teriak great.. alhamdulilah. Bisul terasa pecah. Dan setelah ganti kostum di belakang panggung, Faiz yang pertama keluar dari belakang panggung dan mendapatkan tos dari siswa asing lainnya. Disusul siswa-siswi yang lain.. sungguh membanggakan. Sambil iseng saya bertanya kepada siswi cantik berambut pirang disamping kanan saya yang mengaku dari Geneva, dan siswa berkacamata di Samping kiri saya yang mengaku dari Mexico, apa menurut mereka akan penampilan anak-anak Indonesia? Mereka serentak bilang: amazing…di akhir acara, panitia memberikan penghargaan khusus buat penampilan tari saman. Penghargaan diserahkan oleh direktur dukes international summer school, Sam miller dan diwakili oleh Ananda Ardan. anak- anakku sekalian, kalian anak-anak hebat. Kalian sudah membanggakan dirimu, orangtuamu, sekolahmu bahkan negaramu. Teman-teman kalian yang sebelumnya tidak mengenal nama Indonesia sekarang jadi tahu. Dan mungkin memori perkwnalan ini akan mereka bawa hingga kelak mereka dewasa. Berbanggalah untuk menjadi Indonesia. Kalian sudah membuktikan pada hakikatnya dengan kerja keras. Pelajaran berharga dari acara semalam adalah, ternyata banyak cara untuk membuat bangsa Indonesia bangga memiliki kalian. Bravo alaik.. kerennya lagi, disamping tampil sebagai opening performance, anak-anak syafana juga tampil untuk penampilan yang lain bersama-sama dengan siswa lain. Kalau dihitung, siswa-siswi Syafana adalah yang paling banyak tampil dan naik panggung. Mabruukkk…(MD)


Taklim PTA “Bahaya Fitnah Dajjal di Akhir Jaman”

13912684_1208315599189604_1706461984651970739_nLearn about Islam is the important things in our life. PTA (Parent Teacher Association) of Syafana Islamic School held an event at Tuesday August 02, 2016 at Multifunction Hall. This event take a topic Backstabbing Danger by Dajjal In The End of Age by Uztad Zulfikri M. Ali Lc as announcer for this event. In this session he also promote his new book for audience.

Member of PTA was parents from students of Syafana Islamic School (Paradiso). This event also routine in every 2 weeks at Multifunction Hall of Syafana.

In this discussion tells us how significant to learn about Islam in this age. Learn about Islam is very useful for us. The audience average was Mother from students of Syafana Islamic School. Audience was about 100 people inside. IC

Chief of Seoul Education Department-South Korea Visit To Syafana Islamic School

Building relationship with countries whi20151126_121559ch have advance system for education will be advantage for our country especially Syafana Islamic School. It can improve our education quality and also enrich teachers and students’ knowledge.

It was our honored that Mr. Lew Je Cheon as the chief of Seoul Education Department, South Korea visited Syafana on May 7th, 2016. He and his wife were welcomed by our Chairperson Ibu. Ummulatipah, Managing Director Ust. Nanang Firdaus Masduki and Primary Principal Ust. Mantazakka.

In our discussion, he shared information about education in Korea. He also offered an opportunity to Syafana students and teachers to stay and study in Korea for students and teachers exchange program. He said that if Syafana students wanted to join the program, they were supposed to be good at English. He said that he is ready to propose recommended schools for students exchange program.

During the touring at school, he appreciated the facilities inside and outside the classroom. He also suggested to teachers and students would utilize them to support teaching and learning process.

Insya Allah, this is a good beginning for Syafana to build a relationship and conduct the program in short time. (MZ)

Blood Donation and Charity Kindergarten Syafana Graha Raya

IMG-20160430-WA0010It was held on Saturday, 30th April 2016 at Hall of Syafana Islamic School Graha Raya. It started at 08.00 am, opened by MC and tahfidz performance by K1 Students.  The purpose of this event is to thighten the relationship between parents-teachers of syafana Islamic school graham and the societies around the school. In addition, the purposes of this event are for creating care and love between and among human being, for helping the government to increase health and nutrition and also blood supply to the society in need.

There were many people who came and joined this event. There were many grandfathers, grandmothers, kids, and sick people who received the charity. They got free medical check-up from 2 doctors who were came from Puskesmas Paku Alam, 2 doctors and 2 dentists from parents. They could check their health and their teeth. After that they received some medicines from the doctors. After finishing check up, they also got free groceries from the donations of parents’ Syafana Islamic School. There were more than 500 packages of groceries that have been distributed to them.

IMG-20160430-WA0009Moreover, in this event there were blood donations in collaboration with Indonesian Rd Cross (PMI) Tangerang City. There were 9 staffs of PMI came. More than 90 people came and joined to donate their blood. Alhamdulillah PMI got 50 blood bags from this event. PTA was given a beautiful towel as the souvenir and snack box for the one who was succeed to donate her blood. They also got noodle and milk from PMI.

Alhamdulillah All people who came were very happy. Parents and teachers were doing a good team and collaboration. We thanked to Allah for His Blessing in this event.



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Aulad Syafana Competition was done successfully on Saturday, April 16th, 2016. The tittle of this event is “Let’s have fun with Syafana”. There are some activities in this event, namely, kinds of competition based on the age of participants, seminar parenting, and bazaar. The competitions followed by Syafana’s Graha students, PAUD/TK, TPA, new students of Syafana Graha for academic year 2016-2017, etc.

For age 1 – 2 years old join moving balls competition, age 2-3 years old join “menara donat” competition, there are two competitions for age 3-4 years old, they are “supplicate before sleeping competition” and “coloring competition”, age 4-5 years old join “painting T-shirt competition” and age 5-6 years old join collage “biji-bijian”. The total number of participants competition are 105 children. resize IMG_2001

The winners get trophy and goodies from sponsors. We also thank to the sponsors that prepared for goodies, many thanks to Tigaraksa Satria, Global Art, Morinaga, Gramedia, Grolier, and Mc.D.

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