Graduation Day

Saturday, 10th of June 2017 was a big day for Primary students batch fourth. They were inaugurated after finishing all programs in Syafana Islamic School and ready to continue to higher level of education.

In his speech, the principal said that graduated from Primary is not the end but it is the beginning of the long journey of education. So, you may be happy and grateful to Allah SWT but there will be more challenging in the future.

The graduation has started at 08.00 A.M, not only inaugurating students by giving the medals and certificates as well as some performances were showed by Primary level for the last time.

Congratulations students, our door are always open to welcome you at any time. May Allah SWT always be in every path of your life.

End Year Performance


Alhamdulillah, the End year performance – the last event from the academic calendar has run successfully. It has been divided into two sessions.  Primary 1,2 and 5 have performed in the 1st session and the next session was reserved for Primary 3 and 4. This year the theme for the event was “Syafana Generations Colour the World”. The story began with some students from Syafana Islamic School who studied in different universities around the world. They worked and studied hard to get their dream which they finally have reached reach it.

This event was enlivened by Dancing, pencak silat, tahfizh, scout, pantomime, stand-up comedy and many more.

We would like to deliver our gratitude and appreciation to all primary teachers, staff, GA, SM, Security, drivers of Syafana Islamic School and all parties who have supported our end year performance this year.

Syafana Graha Raya Mid Year-Performance

resiz IMG_8591It’s the time of our performance. Students are happy when they show what they have learned during school time in Mid-Year performance. Toddler, play group, K1 and also K2 students have performed on the stages proudly. The theme for this Mid-Year performance was ”Syafana in Wonderland”. The aim of this program was to make the students confident to perform on the stage.resize IMG_8710

On Saturday, December 10th 2016, in the hall of Syafana Graha, many acts and shows were put on the stage by Syafana students from all levels: tari suwe ora jamu and tari selendang from play group students, tari Cik cik periuk from K1 students and tari sim sim from K2 students; choir from K1 students, animal rhyming and senam ceria from K1 students; story-telling, mini short drama “The beauty of patience “ and blocks performances from K2 students; tahfidz performances  from K1 and K2 students. The students looked so cute in their costumes. In mid of year performances some of kids were wearing sport clothes, abaya, princess clothes, black and white clothes and many more.resize IMG_8783

Alhamdulillah, we could read happiness on the parents’ faces while they were watching the performances. Showers of big applauses after students’ performances filled the hall with cheers. We offer many thanks to parents, teachers and students. Because of a good cooperation this program was a great success. Alhamdulillah.

“We are little entrepreneur”

On Thursday September 22th 2016, Syafana Islamic School Graha Raya was held Entrepreneur Event. The purpose of this event is to encourage the students to be future success entrepreneur. So we took the theme “We are little entrepreneur”. In addition to, the students could improve their confidence to sell and promote the things and also communicate to their friends. In this event the students become seller, buyer and cashier. There are three students from each class K1 and K2. They have duty to keep their own stand. resize IMG_4513

The students sold any kinds of product such as meal box, tumbler, puzzle, small bag, pencil case, doll, and etc. This event was divided into two groups. First group are from K2 and Playgroup Al Kindi students. The second groups are from K1 and Al Zahrawi students. In the opening was attended by first group and lead by Sydh Firza as Principal. She opened the event by cutting the ribbon and flying the balloons in the Syafana Graha Market. It located was the parking area. After that they allowed to come to market area. They looked exited with the market because it was looked like real market. The buyers were brings the plastic and money (ticket) to buy what did they want to buy. For the seller they shout loudly for calling someone to buy their own products.

resize IMG_4531Finally they got the things what did they want. After shopping, they take a picture from each class and holding their plastic. They showed their big smile because they can feel like mom or dad did when shopping time. Thank to parents for the cooperation and support us for this Entrepreneur event. Next time, we hope this event can develop and give advantage for the students

Eid Adha 1347H Event

14316773_155745844871844_8728375017684857277_nSyafana Islamic School held an event of Idul Adha 1437 H on Tuesday, 13th September 2016. The goal of the event is to introduce students about the glorious faith of prophet Ibrahim alaihissalam and Ismail alaihissalam. This year Syafana Islamic School managed to raise 57 goats and 4 cows, the animals came from purchases facilitated by the committee, and the rest were animals whose acquisition coordinated by Syafana- Parents Teachers Association.


Not all animals were slaughtered at the school, there were 47 live goats distributed to residents around the schools, namely, kampong Kongsi Baru, Curug Nagrek, Curug  Sangerang, Cibogo, Kelapa Dua, Serpong Garden, Lengkong Kulon, Lengkong Kyai, Pabuaran, Cigaten, Kalipaten, Pakulonan and Cihuni and many more. resize

Hopefully the contribution of all those who have supported this event rewarded with good deed and slaughtering of the mudhohhi accepted by Allah SWT as a form Taqorrub, amen


IMG-20160903-WA0015In accordance with the stages of children development, the characteristics of the way children learn, the concept of learning and meaningful learning, then learning activities for elementary school students, especially in the early grades is done by Thematic Learning. Thematic Learning is learning which is designed based on a particular theme. In its discussion theme was revisited on a variety of subjects. For example, the theme of “Water” can be viewed from Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics. With this model the student is able to learn the knowledge and develop basic competency among subjects in the same theme. In the other hand the understanding of the subject matter becomes more profound and memorable.   The Thematic Learning is ‘Authentic Learning’, because the competencies to be built is not only the cognitive aspect but also affective and conative (psychomotor). With this model of learning, the assessment of learning outcomes must describe the students’ competency in the three aspects.

Assessment of learning outcomes that describe the students’ competency in cognitive, affective and conative is known as the Authentic Assessment. With this assessment model students are encouraged to construct, organize, synthesize, interpret, explain and evaluate information to turn it into a new knowledge. With Authentic Assessment, evaluation of learning outcomes is not accomplished only with a written assessment (formative and summative test) but also through the assessment of Performance, Project and Portfolio. With Thematic Learning model coupled with Authentic Assessment, the learning process is no longer ‘Teacher Centered’ but ‘Student Centered’.IMG-20160903-WA0016

In the framework of the program to increase the competence of teachers, especially in implementing the Thematic Learning model coupled with Authentic Assessment, the workshop was held on Saturday, September 3 in Multifunctional Hall – Paradiso Campus.  The workshop was attended by teachers of P1 – P3 level such as Homeroom Teachers, Specialist Teachers and the Subject Heads. Despite at the expense of their holyday, the participants seemed enthusiastic attended the workshop that lasted until in the afternoon. Insha Allah, the results of this workshop will increase the professionalism of the teachers. (HP)



In order to increase the Kindergarten teachers’ knowledge and practical skill in using natural building block game, a specific training was held on August 29, 2016 in Gading Serpong campus, and on August 30, 2016 in Graha Raya campus. There were a lot of benefits that could be gained through this natural building block game towards the children’s development of cognitive, physical motoric and social-emotional. This training is so important because this academic year Syafana Kindergarten has updated the playground arcades and its educational games as well internationally. All of these programs have been realized due to the continuous improvement of educational quality in Syafana Islamic School.

“We Miss You Ramadhan“ Assembly of K2 Al-Hamra

IMG_20160830_141428 On Tuesday, 30th of August 2016, K2 Al-Hamra has presented assembly with the theme “We miss you Ramadhan”. Students were very excited about their performance.It was opened by girls’ performance – a dance to “Ramadhan” song by Maher Zaen. All performances shows all the activities during the month of Ramadan as sahur activities, tadarus etc. The message of this performance is: Ramadan is full of mercy, helping, sacrifice and forgiving.
They miss Ramadan, praying Taraweeh, dawn and breakfasting.
The last scene is Takbiran. Reviews their boys and girls shook hands, hugged, forgived and apologized.
Closing of this Assembly was done through a dance “Minal aidin wal faidzin song by Tasya”
Insha Allah, all of us have learned from this story how much we would miss Ramadan IMG-20160830-WA0057

Syafana Students perform at Talent Show Dukes International Summer School


#Mengharumkan Indonesia di Tanah Inggris#

Mengikuti summer school di negerinya Ratu Elizabeth adalah sebuah pengalaman sangat berharga. Sungguh beruntung siswa-siswi ini karena karena memiliki kesempatan yang tidak semua anak seusianya dapatkan. Mereka belajar bahasa dari para native speaker, berteman dengan siswa dari seantero dunia, mengenal budaya yang berbeda, berkompromi dengan cuaca yang setiap hari berubah-ubah. Sungguh peristiwa ini akan menjadi pengalaman yang tak terlupakan dalam lembaran hidup mereka. Pada awal kedatangan siswa-siswi Syafana ke Dukes International Program lebih dari seminggu yang lalu, saya sempat khawatir jika mereka terjangkit syndrome home sick, kangen rumah. Maka setiap ada kesempatan, saya selalu bertanya kepada dua guru pendamping, sayyidah Lili dan Ustadz Nanang Zamakhsari apakah anak-betah dan enjoy selama mengikuti kegiatan? Menurutnya, mereka sangat enjoy mengikuti program ini. Bahkan dalam satu kesempatan kunjungan ke Oxford, saya sempat bertanya kepada bebeberapa siswa, apakah enjoy dan menikmati kegiatan ini? Mereka malah balik bertanya, ustadz, kapan lagi ada acara seperti ini?? Luar biasa. Dengan sendirinya kekhawatiran itu terbantahkan. Berbeda halnya dengan anak-anak yang selalu disibukkan dengan kegiatan dari pagi hingga malam, saya justeru sebaliknya tak sabar kapan puncak kegiatan anak-anak. Yang berarti waktu kepulangan ke tanah air semakin dekat. Salah satu puncak kegiatan summer school ini adalah Talent Show, ajang untuk menunjukkan bakat dan talenta di bidang masing-masing. Dan Syafana akan menampilkan tari tradisional kebanggaan bangsa: Tari Saman. Jika persiapan siswa-siswi dari negara lain tampak biasa saja dan apa adanya, para penati Saman kebanggan kita sudah melakukan persiapan jauh-jauh hari. Bahkan perlengkapan tari saman adalah yang paling banyak. IMG-20160803-WA0035

Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu pun akhirnya tiba. Jauh-jauh hari saya sudah diberi tahu kalau jadwal penampilan tari saman di depan seluruh peserta program adalah hari selasa tgl 2 Agustus. Beberapa jam sebelum acara kami sudah meluncur dari hotel ke Canford School. Kami diberitahu kalau kegiatan belajar akan berlangsung seperti biasa hanya selesai lebih cepat untuk memberikan kesempatan seluruh siswa mempersiapkan diri. Tepat pukul 6 sore, siswa-siswi Syafana diminta untuk melaksanakan dinner lebih dulu di banding siswa-siswi yang lain. Sambil makan malam, saya perhatikan mereka asyik bercengkerama satu sama lain. Mungkin untuk mengurangi perasaan nervous. Setelah selesai dinner, mereka langsung menuju gedung teater, tempat acara berlangsung dengan membawa perlengkapan masing-masing. 15 menit jelang acara mulai, mereka sudah mulai melakukan persiapan di atas panggung. Tampaknya mereka enjoy walau tak dapat dipungkiri tampak juga sedikit ketegangan. Tapi hebatnya, ternyata mereka berusaha untuk saling support satu sama lain. Kami juga sampaikan kepada anak-anak, jangan nervous, buatlah para penonton takjub sama kalian. Buatlah mereka bangga dan bisa kenal Indonesia. Saat performance pun tiba. Tari Saman dijadwalkan menjadi opening Talent show. Seluruh siswa diminta untuk menempati tempat duduk yang telah disediakan. Dan tarattttttttt…. layar merah penutup panggung dibuka. Tari Saman mulai beraksi. Sepanjang performance, beberapa kali tepuk membahana di ruangan itu untuk memberi applause. Bahkan beberapa siswa teriak dan berusaha untuk mengikuti gerakannya. Setelah beberapa menit performance, penampilan tari Saman selesai. Dan tanpa dikomando semua penonton berdiri sambil tepuk tangan dan teriak great.. alhamdulilah. Bisul terasa pecah. Dan setelah ganti kostum di belakang panggung, Faiz yang pertama keluar dari belakang panggung dan mendapatkan tos dari siswa asing lainnya. Disusul siswa-siswi yang lain.. sungguh membanggakan. Sambil iseng saya bertanya kepada siswi cantik berambut pirang disamping kanan saya yang mengaku dari Geneva, dan siswa berkacamata di Samping kiri saya yang mengaku dari Mexico, apa menurut mereka akan penampilan anak-anak Indonesia? Mereka serentak bilang: amazing…di akhir acara, panitia memberikan penghargaan khusus buat penampilan tari saman. Penghargaan diserahkan oleh direktur dukes international summer school, Sam miller dan diwakili oleh Ananda Ardan. anak- anakku sekalian, kalian anak-anak hebat. Kalian sudah membanggakan dirimu, orangtuamu, sekolahmu bahkan negaramu. Teman-teman kalian yang sebelumnya tidak mengenal nama Indonesia sekarang jadi tahu. Dan mungkin memori perkwnalan ini akan mereka bawa hingga kelak mereka dewasa. Berbanggalah untuk menjadi Indonesia. Kalian sudah membuktikan pada hakikatnya dengan kerja keras. Pelajaran berharga dari acara semalam adalah, ternyata banyak cara untuk membuat bangsa Indonesia bangga memiliki kalian. Bravo alaik.. kerennya lagi, disamping tampil sebagai opening performance, anak-anak syafana juga tampil untuk penampilan yang lain bersama-sama dengan siswa lain. Kalau dihitung, siswa-siswi Syafana adalah yang paling banyak tampil dan naik panggung. Mabruukkk…(MD)


Taklim PTA “Bahaya Fitnah Dajjal di Akhir Jaman”

13912684_1208315599189604_1706461984651970739_nLearn about Islam is the important things in our life. PTA (Parent Teacher Association) of Syafana Islamic School held an event at Tuesday August 02, 2016 at Multifunction Hall. This event take a topic Backstabbing Danger by Dajjal In The End of Age by Uztad Zulfikri M. Ali Lc as announcer for this event. In this session he also promote his new book for audience.

Member of PTA was parents from students of Syafana Islamic School (Paradiso). This event also routine in every 2 weeks at Multifunction Hall of Syafana.

In this discussion tells us how significant to learn about Islam in this age. Learn about Islam is very useful for us. The audience average was Mother from students of Syafana Islamic School. Audience was about 100 people inside. IC